Mandy Hamerla - Modern HR

Discover how to elevate your team's performance, in just one day.

As a trusted HR Director, I can help you transform your mediocre team, into a mighty team, with more speed and ease.

This 90-minute 1-1 strategy session is perfect for ambitious CEO's / Founders who want some help to create a high performing team fast, without being tied into any lengthy programmes or coaching.


You're a talented individual, who's had a lot of great success...

But right now, you're feeling frustrated.

You thought having a team would accelerate your success and allow you to free up your time, but you are actually working harder than ever.

You can't help but feel disappointed when you see lacklustre performance, missed opportunities, and an overall sense of complacency among your team. In fact, you're probably starting to feel a bit resentful, given the amount you are paying your team each month.

Maybe doubt creeps in at times, as you question your own leadership abilities. You find yourself wondering if you're doing enough to support your team, if you're setting the right expectations, if you're leading by example. It's a nagging voice in the back of your mind, whispering insecurities and feeding into your frustrations.

But amidst the frustration, you've come to realise that you deserve a high-performing team – one that's capable of achieving greatness.

You don't want to settle for a mediocre team, and you're ready to make some bold changes.

But trying to do this alone can be daunting and overwhelming.You need some help to take an honest look at your team and figure out how you can elevate your team's performance, and help you to achieve more success, faster.

That's where I come in.


The Mighty Teams
Strategy Session

As a trusted HR Director, I can help you transform your mediocre team, into a mighty team, with more speed and ease.

This 90-minute 1-1 strategy session is perfect for ambitious CEO's / Founders who want some help to create a high performing team fast, without being tied into any lengthy programmes or coaching.



Once you've booked the strategy session, I'll send you my comprehensive Team Effectiveness Onboarding Questionnaire to complete, so we can identify what's working well and any quick win opportunities to boost your team's performance.

We'll also get crystal clear on what you want to achieve from the strategy session so we can focus on getting you the outcomes you want.


We'll then jump on the Zoom Call to create your Mighty Team Strategy together.

We’ll create a roadmap so you can implement this advice effectively after the call (no huge to-do lists or complicated systems).


You’ll receive a post-call action plan so you can start taking action, plus any resources or templates that can accelerate your success! I find action is best taken quickly whilst you’re still hyped up from our session together.

Plus, I'm happy to answer any quick questions via email for 7 days after the call.


£747 Inc VAT


Just imagine...

Creating a team that you trust, so you never have to worry about taking time off.

Celebrating with your team, because you've collectively hit your goals for the year.

Finally resolving the team issues that are draining your time and energy.

Hi! I'm Mandy Hamerla

I'm the Founder of Modern HR. I'm a qualified & experienced HR Director and an Award Winning Leadership Mentor. 

I'm also a Certified Gallup Strengths Coach, which means I've been trained by Gallup, a world-leading organisation, to use their Clifton Strengths Assessment to help you identify your natural talents.

I've led lots of Leadership & Management Development Programmes during my 20-year career. And I've coached Board Members, CEO's and Leaders to help them build high performing teams.

Plus, I've lead my own teams - including a team of 30 HR Professionals globally. So, I know first hand the challenges that come with managing people - especially people who are different to you, and work in a completely different way.

Mandy Hamerla

I know that it can be joyous but also frustrating and lonely when you're the leader.

So, I wanted to create a 1-1 transformational programme, to help leaders create their ideal team, which aligns to their strengths and goals.

This allows you to take stock of where you're at, without judgement. You can speak openly about your concerns in complete confidence.

This is perfect for new and experienced CEO's, with teams of around 10 to 250 employees, who aspire to build a high performing team.

Now’s the time to get excited because it's time for you to start stepping up into your next level of leadership too and taking positive steps towards building the team of your dreams.

What my Clients Say:

Paul gott

"Mandy developed the HR strategy, enabling us to effectively recruit and retain top talent against much larger, well-known and better funded companies. The combined results of these initiatives was the successful expansion from just 4 employees in April 2020 to 110 employees by December 2021. Mandy developed a best-in-class recruitment and onboarding process enabling, enabling the automatic screening of 1,000s of candidates for highly skilled technical positions. The excellent cultural and competency fit of successful applicants has resulted in very low staff turnover in a very comprehensive marketplace"

Paul - COO, Beelivery

Mandy has coached me on various areas within my business including engaging the team, disciplinary procedures, hiring my dream team and so much more. Running a business and a team can be lonely, Mandy has always made me feel that she cares as if my business was her own. Whilst giving me professional, honest advice she makes me believe in myself and the choices that I am making. Since working with Mandy I have gained a new sense of clarity and confidence for my business. It is so refreshing to work with someone that has your interests at heart and you know is always giving you the most professional, legal advice

Hayley - CEO, Simply The Pets

"Mandy is a key part of my leadership team, and has enabled Lokulus to become a top company to work for. She has led a number of cultural and people strategies and helped me deal with some tough people challenges. I can always rely on Mandy to tell me the hard truths and that only makes the business a better one. I think she is quite unique in the HR world, as she brings innovative ideas and aligns closely to what the business needs. She is honest and always acts with integrity"

Alister Harris - CEO, Lokulus


Q. This sounds great - but what do I actually get?

  • A Team Effectiveness Audit
  • A 90-minute Zoom coaching session with Mandy Hamerla, focusing on how to elevate your team's performance. It's a group coaching programme, designed to elevate your confidence and impact as a leader and support you with building a high performing team.
  • The opportunity to ask *any* questions you might have.
  • Post-Call Action Plan for you to implement right away.

Q: Can I book a date and time for the Strategy Session before I make a payment?

Yes, when you go to the booking page, you can choose your preferred date and time before you pay.

Q. What happens if I need to change the date of the strategy session?

That's fine. I understand things crop up last minute. You'll be able to change this up until the day before.

Q. What happens after I book?

You'll be sent the Onboarding Pack once you've made the payment, which you'll need to complete before the strategy session.

Q: How will this call be held?

The Strategy Session will be held via Zoom or Google Meet.

Q. Who is this for?

CEO's, Managing Directors and Founders, who want to…

  • Assess their team's overall performance and identify to build a high performing team
  • Join the dots between the business goals and team structure
  • Design and launch a performance management process that will help to raise the bar
  • Make some tough team decisions, and want to talk it through first
  • Take back control as the leader of the team

Q: What are the benefits of this session?

  • We can get fast results, by focusing on the key elements that are getting in the way of your success
  • It avoids the overwhelm - sometimes VIP days or retainers can feel too much for people who need to make fast changes.
  • No commitments - it's a one-off session, with no ties or commitments.

Got another question I've not covered here? Send me an email and we'll get back to you ASAP -