Mandy Hamerla - Modern HR

Level Up Your Leadership Skills & build a Winning Team

My Leadership Accelerator Programme is a 12-month programme, offering high-impact leadership training, group coaching and Q&A support. This is perfect if you want to enhance your leadership skills, confidence and team performance, with empathy and integrity.

To secure your place, apply today and we'll have a call to see if this is right for you.


If you're managing people, you're probably facing some of these common challenges?

👉 Feeling Overwhelmed

👉 Confused about HR

👉 Failing to Delegate

👉 Imposter Syndrome

👉 Struggling to influence up

👉 Avoiding Tough Conversations

👉 Navigating the Politics

If so, then you're in the right place.

Real Talk: Managing People is harder than ever before...

In a Post-Covid world, you're expected to deal with a wide range of people issues, manage people remotely, support employee's mental health issues and enhance team performance.

Plus, you're expected to be a great boss, and recruit, develop and motivate your team members and achieve your ambitious goals, whilst doing your day job to a high standard.

It's a lot of pressure!


On top of that, the UK has become a more litigious place 

  • The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, shows that the number of employment tribunal claims continues to grow each year.
  • This is because Employees are becoming more aware of their rights - and have higher expectations than ever before. They can easily get a 'no win, no fee' lawyer to give them legal advice when they feel wronged.
  • So you are expected to know all the HR stuff and comply with the law, so that your company doesn't get sued or fined! Which is not easy!

The truth is most people don't have access to the right leadership training and support to set them (& their team) up for success.


This Leadership
Accelerator Programme

My goal was to create a transformational leadership training programme that would empower leaders to thrive in the modern world, in the most flexible, convenient and affordable way.

It's perfect for Managers, Leaders & Small Business Owners who want to become a better leader and build a winning team, with empathy and integrity.

Leadership Accelerator

This unique combination of training, peer support and Q&A with Mandy will mean we can accelerate your confidence, skills and fast-track your results.

Essentially, you can access training and support on-demand, where you need it most. We cover the basics, from stepping up into leadership, as well as more advanced topics like talent management & succession planning. This means it's perfect if you're new to people management or an experienced leader looking to refresh your skills to lead effectively in the modern world.


How would it feel to finally become the leader you want to be and get the best out of yourself and your team?

Just imagine...

Smashing your goals, because you have assembled a high performing team, that's a joy to lead.

Feeling empowered to say 'no' to requests when you've previously said yes, without feeling guilty.

Trusting your instincts (rather than second-guessing yourself) and making confident, timely decisions.

Leadership Training Curriculum

This self-paced training will teach you everything you need to level up your leadership impact and build a high performing team. Training topics include:

  • Great Leadership Framework
  • Gaining a Leadership Mindset
  • Effective Communication and Active Listening
  • Building Happy, High-Performing Teams
  • Spotting & Tackling poor performance
  • HR & Employment Law for Leaders
  • Decision-Making Techniques
  • Coaching made easy
  • Creating an Inclusive Workplace
  • Leading team meetings and impactful 1-1s
  • Giving Feedback
  • Holding Difficult Conversations
  • Designing the optimal team structure
  • Navigating Organisational Politics
  • Talent Management & Succession

Plus, in addition to the training, you will also receive 3 types of support

By the end of the programme, you will:

  • Feel more confident as a leader 😀
  • Have more authority and gravitas in challenging situations
  • Have the skills and tools to hire the right people, first time
  • Be able to hold powerful 1-1 meetings with your team
  • Set SMART goals and objectives to drive your team's success 🚀
  • Be equipped to deal with conflict and resistance
  • Have comprehensive talent and succession plans for key roles.
  • Have a happy, high performing team 🎉


This is an exclusive programme, and because of that joining is by application only

I'd love for you to join the Leadership Accelerator Programme and level up your leadership skills and team performance.


Meet Mandy - Your Leadership Mentor

mandy awards

Hi! I'm Mandy Hamerla

I'm the Founder of Modern HR. I'm a qualified & experienced HR Director and an Award Winning Leadership Mentor. 

I'm also a Certified Gallup Strengths Coach, which means I've been trained by Gallup, a world-leading organisation, to use their Clifton Strengths Assessment to help you identify your natural talents.

I've led lots of Leadership & Management Development Programmes during my 20-year career. And I've coached Board Members, CEO's and Leaders to help them build high performing teams.

My speciality topics are leadership confident, leading with impact, navigating organisational politics and high performing teams. I'm really passionate about helping leaders to thrive in their roles, because it's a win-win for everyone.

Mandy Hamerla

I've lead my own teams - including a team of 30 HR Professionals globally. So, I know first hand the challenges that come with managing people - especially people who are different to you, and work in a completely different way.

I know there's hundreds of leadership training courses out there, but many teach out-dated theories and practices that just don't work in the modern world of work.

So, I wanted to create a programme that was affordable but also effective. Where you can learn at your own pace, using high-quality leadership techniques with support to accelerate results.

Now’s the time to get excited because it's time for you to start backing yourself and stepping up into your next level of leadership too.

Your team is counting on you to help them develop, grow and reach their potential. This programme will help you achieve this.


It’s totally right for you to want all of the information before committing and I’m happy to answer your questions.

Dive into the FAQs below, and if you still have questions, drop me an email on

Q. What is this Leadership Accelerator Programme?

It's a leadership programme, designed to help you become a more confident and impactful leader and give you a framework, so that you can build a high performing team.

Q. Who is this for?

This programme is for everyone in a leadership role, looking to master the key leadership skills as set out above.

It's perfect for:

  • Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners
  • Managers wanting to step up into Leadership roles
  • Directors and Head of Departments, within an organisation
  • First Time or New CEO's

Q. I'm a leader outside the UK. Can I join?

Whilst I welcome all leaders, this programme is for leaders based in England, Scotland and Wales. This is primarily because we may cover the legal aspects of leading people and laws in other countries may vary.

Q: How long is the programme?

The programme is designed to be completed in 12-weeks, but you'll have access to all the training and support for 12 months so there's plenty of time to complete it, if 12-weeks isn't feasible for you.

Q: How much does this programme cost?

It's £1,497 per annum. Or three split payments of £665.

Q: Tell me more the Gallup Strengths Assessment I get?

The Gallup Strengths Assessment, commonly known as CliftonStrengths, stands as a valuable tool for leaders to identify and leverage their top 34 strengths, denoted as "Signature Themes." Crafted by Gallup, this assessment equips leaders with personalised insights into their unique talents. By focusing on these strengths, leaders can enhance their decision-making, communication, and overall leadership proficiency.

Q: Are you a certified Gallup Strengths Coach?

Yes I am. I have led hundreds of 1-1 coaching sessions with individuals including Board Members, CEO's, Leaders & Managers. These are all strictly confidential and only between the individual and myself.

Q: Can I join and then add 1-1 coaching?

Yes, you can upgrade at any time to add 1-1 leadership coaching.

Got another question I've not covered here? Send me an email and we'll get back to you ASAP -

What's a Strengths Assessment?

The CliftonStrengths assessment is a powerful tool designed to identify your unique talents and strengths.

This in-depth evaluation, trusted by millions around the world, will provide you with invaluable insights into your natural abilities, helping you to maximise your performance both personally and professionally.

By understanding your top strengths, you can harness what you naturally do best as a leader and apply it to achieve greater success. Imagine having a clear understanding of how to leverage your strengths to improve productivity, enhance teamwork, and increase your overall satisfaction in both your career and personal life.

This powerful tool will empower you to make more informed decisions, communicate more effectively, and navigate challenges with ease.


This is an exclusive programme, and because of that joining is by application only

I'd love for you to join the Leadership Accelerator Programme and level up your leadership skills and team performance.